Having celebrated Kapil and Ritu's wedding with them in India, we raced back for Christmas Day in Malaysia and a birthday for the boys followed by a New Year's Eve party later.
Back to work for a couple of days and then off to Bangkok for Kapil and Ritu's Bangkok Reception at the Sheraton Grand Sukhumvit (where Shilpa and I had our reception).
The place looked gorgeous as did Ritu, Shilpa, Meenu, Mum and Mom too.
We'd ordered little three piece tuxedos from the US for the boys for the occasion. Unfortunately Sid had already grown out of the shirt but they looked adorable anyway.
Our friends Mike, Bella, Christopher and Asha also came as did my Mum and Dad of course but they were feeling a bit fragile (as were many of us) after all the partying, traveling in India and the inevitable Delhi Belly.