Thursday, April 26, 2007

Another Rugby Dinner

"Another Rugby Dinner" asked Ian - "No thank you", I said, "I think I'm a bit rugby dinnered out, not too mention horribly unfit and seem to be going from one hangover to the next without any apparent recovery".

So that was that until our buddy Paul rings up and says "Another Rugby Dinner?" - before I could say "Definitely - No thank you" he uttered those magical and oft not heard words "IT'S MY TREAT". Aaaahh! "In that case" we said, and the rest is once again history.

Paul suggested that we make a night of it and do the full Dinner Jacket/Penguin routine.

In true Malaysian fashion there we were dressed up to the nines with half the other diners in jeans! Tch Tch.

I shan't bore you but we had a great night. The speakers were Jonah Lomu, Jason Leonard and Francois Pienaar.

Probably the highlight of the evening was when Paul and I marched up to Francois Pienaar to get our obligatory photos and Paul exclaims "My god Francois" (as if he'd known him since childhood) "I can't believe how big you are". Francois looks a bit sheepish and begins to reply along the lines that a lot of people say that and he's a rugby player after all...However, Paul interjects "Naaaa...what I mean is I can't believe how SMALL you are, you look quite big on telly..." at that point I cringed and staggered off back to our table hoping that Paul wouldn't get his lights punched out. Check out the photo and you tell me how big this monster of a man is!!!

Here's Jason, I couldn't believe how wide he was, I gave up trying to put my arm around his shoulder - I pity anyone that had to run into him on a rugby field.

As for my mate Jonah, as you can see he ain't that big - a couple of inches shorter than me by the looks of it.

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