I hope that between you all and your contacts you can please try to help me out?
As some of you know I have been fighting an internal battle to decide whether or not to buy a new bike.
This has been a tough debate I can tell you as despite being quite comfortable without “sex appeal” equipment, I have come to realise that I need every bit of help I can get with my riding. As a consequence, I have been seriously tempting on splashing out and going for a significant investment. However, finally the argument has been settled and at the 11th hour the voice of reason and parenthood stepped in to effectively “save the day” – well save me from compromising other things that are even more important to me than my ride times e.g. the security of my girl’s education.
Because of this I am now in the market for a 2nd hand bike as whilst I’ve decided not to buy new, I have put my previous “weightlifting equipment” that I ride but Emma lifts as part of her strength training in TBB, into retirement back in the country of its birth. Using your local knowledge and network of friends and contacts I would be really grateful if you could put it out there that I am in the market for anything with 2 wheels and that is a few grammes lighter than my old Merida.
Ideally, I’m in the market for a carbon fibre framed Tri Bike but am also willing to consider a decent road bike as well given that whilst no longer a “virgin” I am very much a novice and don’t need to go the full “Monty” so to speak just yet. The size of frame that I need is I believe a 51cm and I’d really appreciate hearing from you if you think there is anyone out there that you or your contacts hear of who is looking to offload equipment that they no longer need.
Many thanks in anticipation of this and for the person that sources me the deal I’m looking for the “usual” commission terms will of course apply J
For those of you going to Lake Kenyir as well this coming weekend, I’m sorry that I cannot join you on this event but I hope that you have a fast & fun race J
Best wishes
Dave aka “Disco”
Dave try looking at this bike auction webpage : http://bicyclebuysell.com.
Lotsa bikes on offer. Buyer caution advised tho....
did Dave considered the Merida Warp series? they aren't as pricey as other TT bikes...
Another Tri Twins father..hehe
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