Wednesday, May 28, 2008

PD Half Marathon - Sunday 25th May 2008

(Photos courtesy of Ivie)

I wasn't feeling well before the PD Half Marathon but had decided to go down anyway and maybe run or take some photos at least of everyone else. Shilpa was also entered but wasn't really sure whether she would go at all - all very confusing and disorganized but many options to choose from.

As it happens, she and I both went and we took the boys too. We got there with plenty of time for the 7:15 start but were told that the start was going to be 7:30 or later.

Shilpa and I debated who would run and I decided that I'd take the sensible option and be the official photographer and look after the boys while she ran. She went off to get changed and then went to the start at 7:20. Much to our alarm it seems that the race had already started and they were just about to flag off the 11k runners.

Shilpa valiantly took off down the road, a very lonely figure hoping to at least catch up with some tailenders.

In the meantime I teamed up with Ivie and we decided to go in the car and see if we could find the others. We decided to work backwards and soon saw the front runners for the 11k run, then shock, horror, there was Shilpa amongst the 11k competitors. It turned out that by the time she got to the next set of marshalls they said the Half Marathon course was now closed and she would have to do the 11k.

Oh well eh! We kept leap-frogging her down the road and got lots of pictures and the boys got plenty of chances to cheer Mummy on. With about 3k to go she said very firmly (but nicely) "I'll see you at the finish" - we took the hint and left her to it.

She finished strongly soon later - they didn't give her a medal but then Shilpa has loads of those these days and with the benefit of hindsight she said that the 11k was about right for her as it was very hot, she wasn't really prepared and there were too few drinks stations on the course.

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