Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Today was my third Father's Day. The boys made me beautiful cards at school with a wonderful poem (click on the photo to enlarge).

We went to the Hard Rock cafe for lunch and had their famous heart attack nachos, veggie burger and then their equally famous heart attack hot fudge brownie (loads of ice-cream of course).

Sid and Seb got given balloons and crayons as they arrived and then a lady came along and made them balloon swords, scabbards and balloon pirate hats too. It caused a bit of conflict and squabbling but in the end the lady gave daddy his own balloon sword so he stopped causing trouble (and he stopped crying).

As we arrived at the Hard Rock Seb and Sid saw the Monorail go by and got very excited about it as they've never been on a train. So after lunch Shilpa and I took them for a monorail ride to Sentral and back. They were so excited ... that is until they actually had to get into the train and then they freaked out - it was all a bit embarrassing but they calmed down in the end and loved it - Seb kept telling us he wasn't scared but he wasn't very convincing. Sid on the other hand was a bit more relaxed but didn't want to get on again once we got back to the starting point.

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