Monday, August 04, 2008

Week/Weekend Overview

Probably for the first time this year I am in the groove! I'm actually motivated and excited about training and I'm doing it consistently. Consistency is the key to success without a doubt. If you don't have the miles in the legs then that 10k run (last leg of an Olympic distance triathlon) is going to bite you (it did for me at PD). The best cyclists are always the ones that do the most kilometres (simple mathematics that one!) and swimming - well in my experience it's not about the distance or the time in the pool (they certainly count for a lot) but for me I have to have a least one long coached session a week, a quality session! Plus I have to do additional weight work as my upper body is weak as a lemon pie.

PD was a wake up call, I'm now dropping the Kg's and I've completed two mega weeks of training and kicked off my third week with a 60k ride before work this morning - I'm tired but feeling good. It probably helps that Shilpa, Sid, Seb and I are off on our holidays on Saturday night so getting in as much cycling time as I can before 3 weeks forced "rest" is easy.

Last week I managed 6 swims (including my coached session), 6 rides (including a rather painful, hilly and lonely long ride - enjoyable though) and 6 runs including a long run on Sunday where a clocked a 45 minute 10k on the return leg. It's all looking good so far - Rebuilding for the second half of the season!

I'm hoping to do a few swims on holiday and run at least once a day. I might even get a few rides in on borrowed bikes - I'll be taking my shoes and a pair of pedals in that hope anyway.

I'll be missing the Desaru half Ironman distance race - a race that always chews me up and spits me out so I'm not too disappointed but good luck to all you guys doing that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:00 pm

    Hello Simon.
    Nice to see you !!!!! Send me some lines:

    It´s a long time since we sailed on British Steel....
