Thursday, September 04, 2008

Holiday - Part 2 of 3 (The Waymans - Great Mongeham)

The first part of our holiday ended and the second part began with a flight from the Black Forest to Stanstead airport where my Mum and Dad had kindly dropped off Mum's car on their way to Chichester for a sailing weekend. It seemed logical to me as Stanstead and Chichester are both south of where they live, however my sister pointed out that it was 160kms out of there way - Oops, sorry and huge thanks Mum and Dad.

We were staying with Chris and Chantal Wayman (and India and Kofi, not to mention Purna the gorgeous dog and two fat cats [cats don't get names in my book]) in a little village near to Deal, which in turn is near to Dover. We got there in good time but between getting out of the car and into the house I'd managed to unwittingly upset Chantal 3 times - oh dear - sorry Chantal.

As we arrived we also met Paul, Chantal's "training buddy", I felt that I already knew him as Chantal did talk quite a lot about him when we were at the Bussleton Ironman.

Before long Rocky arrived, another college/sailing buddy. Shilpa, Chris, Purna and I went for a run across the corn fields with Rocky accompanying us on a mountain bike. After a few K's we dropped Shilpa and Rocky off at the house and then went on for an extended run. Very different from the Black Forest but no less enjoyable.

The next day Chris and Chantal had arranged a BBQ in our honour; we were very chuffed to meet Gary and Nicky again who'd raced at South Africa Ironman with us, also Bryan and Nanette who'd raced at Busselton Ironman last December. Paul was there too of course!

First though, we went for a 22k off-road run (Chris, Chantal, Paul, me, Purna and Paul's dog). We ran to and then along the famous white cliffs of Dover - lovely but tough and certainly worked up a good appetite (and thirst) for the BBQ.

Before I go any further I have to confess that there was a bit of intrigue and scandal on the run. In the UK there are things called "Kissing Gates", these gates are swing gates that keep livestock in (or out) that only allow one person through at a time - tradition has it that if a man and a woman go through one after another the following individual has to kiss the first over the gate to be allowed through. Chantal pointed this out and so we had our requisite peck on the cheek. We then caught up with Chris (the husband) and Paul (boyfriend) and she told them we'd just snogged - I couldn't believe it, I felt lucky that I got out of there without a good roughing up - goodness knows what might have happened had Shilpa been there too!

On Monday we decided to go to Deal Castle with the boys - huge fun, they were running around as excited as anything, climbing the ramparts, playing on the cannons, with the cannon balls, and running around the castle like lunatics - Chris and Rocky I'm talking about, Sid and Seb were far better behaved.

I managed an hour windy run with Chris (and Purna) in the morning along the sea front in Deal, we also sneaked in a pub lunch prededed by a walk along the Deal Pier - lovely! Not only that but Andy Brown an old college and sailing buddy who I'd travelled around the world with in 1989 made a long drive over to spend the afternoon with us - it was great to catch up with him, he'd not changed a bit.

The following day it was off to Dungeness on The Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway (RHDR)a 15" gauge railway (small and very cute trains) run by volunteers. It just blew Sid and Seb away although at times they weren't too sure about it all. At Dungeness there is a pebble beach, windswept holiday homes and a nuclear power station (where Chris' dad used to work)!! - there was also a pub where we managed to sneak in another pub lunch - contrary to what Shilpa wrote about my desire for English beer it was her lust for pub lunches that drove us to visit so many pubs rather than my desire to drink beer - [IT WAS MUTUAL ACTUALLY]

On the way back we stopped off at one of the railway stations and went to a little pikey fun fair. Once again Sid and Seb were in their element and the bumper cars probably was the highlight of their holiday - Shilpa, Chris and I also seemed to enjoy that rather a lot too.

The rocket ride was a bit of a hit too although once again it looks like it was Daddy having the most fun. (No running today - how lazy!)

On Wednesday morning Chantal, Purna and I went for a run through the villages and fields for about an hour which once again was a wonderful experience. As soon as we got back it was a quick change and then a race to the train station to get the rattler to London for the day.

Run, Train ride, London Eye, Ice-creams, Trafalgar Square, Pizza Express, Red Double Decker Bus Ride, Nike Town, Nappy Change, Underground ride (The Tube), train ride back - all accomplished and two very tired boys by the end of it. Great Day!

The next day we were off to my parents house in Brownhills (just north of Birmingham) for part 3 of our holiday but first another run of course. Shilpa and I ran together for a couple of laps on the road, she headed back as I did one final lap to get the mileage in - I'd managed 167km to that point and was on target to reach my goal of 300k in three weeks.

However, before we left Chantal managed another highpoint of the holiday, a big boys breakfast (vegetarian sausages too) on Deal Sea Front, there was a big grassy area where Sid, Seb and Kofi could play (or rather cry about whose turn it was on the bike - in the end Sid tried to steal one from a little girl - that's my boy). The sun was out, company good, food smashing, the tea was hot - lovely jubbly.

Once again we really packed a lot into the few days that we were with the Waymans and they really went out of their way to make our visit really special with runs, sightseeing, pub lunches, day trips, BBQ's, supermarket visits for more nappies, and outstanding food from start to finish. Kofi gave up his room for Sid and Seb, he took Indie's bed while she slept in a tent (in her room) - I believe that she fought very hard to make that her permanent bedding arrangement after we left - cool!

Chris, Chantal, Indie, Kofi and Purna, a HUGE THANKS to you all, we'll hold many precious memories from our visit for a long time to come.

[Disclaimer: - All references to Paul and the word boyfriend are totally fictional and make-believe and by no means reflect any aspect of reality, they are purely used to add a bit of spice to this post, put a cheeky smile on Chris and my faces and possibly to get a reaction from Chantal]

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