Wednesday, November 05, 2008

At last - IT'S OVER!

Not only has America managed to overcome underlying racist tendencies (the UK is no better) by electing the first Black President but they have also elected a sane one for the first time in eight years - one that talks sense and appears to be trustworthy - now that last point is probably also a first since JFK.

Well done America - sense prevailed, although it was never certain - Now watch the markets soar and then stabilize - Recession? Yes, but at least there will be an end to it.

Let's just hope that my JFK analogy isn't too representative of dark things to come; I do worry that there are a lot of wackos out there and the American Constitution states that every wacko is allowed to carry a gun...

[Disclaimer: Use of the word "trustworthy" must be taken in context as it was used in reference to politicians and as we all know none of them are totally trustworthy, it's just the scale to which they let us down that you have to judge them by]

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