Monday, November 03, 2008

Weekend Round-up

Friday night I was going to run, then I had such a stressful day trying to get the monthly staff wages sorted out so I decided to go for a beer instead; but by the time I'd finished it was 9pm so I went home to bed.

Saturday was supposed to be a 8.8k medium intensity run at 4:30am, followed by a 114k medium intensity ride, followed by another 8.8k run but this time hard and fast. As it turned out I put in the 4:30am run (much to the shock of the security guards around Country Heights), unfortunately I pushed a bit on the hard side and suffered for it.

I then met Azwar at the gate for the ride and he announced that he would be drafting me all the way so I'd better get on with it. I DID - I'm a silly boy sometimes (too often actually), I pushed fairly hard again (Azwar's chain broke somewhere along the route so I didn't see him again sadly), I met the group at MegaMall and then continued to push reasonably hard. About 75k into the ride I was spent, cooked, finito!

The group stopped for breakfast at Salak but my plan was to get back for the second run. I grabbed some water and coke from Petronas and carried on (when I reach for coke I know I'm struggling). I was in a bit of a state by the time I got home but was determined to run. In the end I spent an hour wondering around in my tri-suit but in the end concluded that running now was going to do me no good and would probably shatter my confidence for Powerman next week. I went to bed instead.

I couldn't sleep so took the boys swimming - great fun as always. Then went to bed again - still couldn't sleep. We had people coming over for dinner, so it was clear that if it was a late night then tomorrow morning's scheduled 25k run was going to be hard.

Dinner finished at 2am - OH DEAR! I wanted to send Sam an SMS saying we weren't going to make it but having got the times wrong and woken him and Carmen up in the middle of the night before the Hawaii Ironman I thought better of it. Fortunately they worked it out pretty quickly in the morning and carried on without us.

Sunday turned out to be a lazy "recover from the night before" day. Shilpa was doing a study group for her MBA so I took the boys for Dosa (India savoury pancakes) which they love and then ice-cream - YUM YUM!

Back home, I did a whole load of DIY chores and then more time in the pool with the boys. It was about this time when Shilpa said "I suppose we'd better go for our 25k run that we missed this morning?" - I kept very quiet. I knew that I should do it but was hoping she'd "persuade" me that we didn't need to go. NO SUCH LUCK!

We ran in the rain which was nice, it was tough but we got back at about 10:00pm satisfied and tired and proceeded to sit in our (very hot) hot tub by the pool with a bottle of sparkling wine - NICE.

To top it all Paula Radcliffe won the New York Marathon and Lewis Hamilton toyed with all of our emotions and scraped the world title by a single point in the F1 (makes up for the 1 point loss last year and all the points the FIA docked him this year). Finally, Britain's cycling team continued winning gold medal after gold medal at the World Cup - impressive stuff.

Great Weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh Simon. We've got to get some race kit like those girls tho!
