Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas

I've not been doing much blogging over the last few days and there was a distinct lack of Christmas cards sent this year (I managed only one to my sister) - SORRY and thank you to everyone that sent cards to us, we will be better prepared next year, time just hasn't allowed this year as I will try to explain.

It all began some months ago when Shilpa suggested buying a climbing frame and swings for the boys that I'd make one for them - it would be a far better piece of apparatus, include tree house, sand pit, slide, fireman's pole and swings. Mmmm... A few days before Christmas I'd ordered the wood, bought a circular saw, new drill and some other odds and ends and started the major construction project.

In the midst of doing this I also had to keep things ticking over at the office as my Co-MD, Ian was away for the holidays but I'd also contracted a very nasty and heavy chest infection.

So the scene is set and with the clock ticking and Christmas just four days away the projected kicked off with me finishing most nights/mornings at about 2am. The same was true of Christmas eve and even Christmas morning I had to get up at first light to finish putting it together and fill up the sand pit with sand. In the end it wasn't quite finished in terms of the requisite 3 coats of varnish and all the safety rails in place - as for the swing, slide and fireman's pole there were to come later anyway - the important thing was that the boys were happy.

Once I came in from the construction site Christmas morning started as it should do with Champagne, snacks and present opening.

We even had "special" Champagne for the boys (sparkling non-alcoholic grape juice).

Just prior to that the boys checked to see if Santa Claus had eaten the mince pie and drunk the Brandy that they'd left for him (he had of course).

They also checked to see if the reindeer had eaten the carrots that they'd put outside the door the night before (they had too), Sid did freak out a bit and bolted back indoors when he suddenly thought the reindeer were coming back all of a sudden!!!

Present opening, Champagne quaffing was then followed by asking the boys if they'd like their very own castle in the garden with it's own sand pit, just like their cousins Nico and Sven an friends Indie and Kofi.

They thought that this would be great so we went to see if Santa Claus could possible have left one for them.

HE HAD! The boys were over the moon albeit it their attention span was limited.

Dad was pretty pleased with himself - even if the roof wasn't on yet or the ladder finished (hence the step ladder).

Christmas lunch was soon upon us, Shilpa had as always done us proud, she ensures that just about every little tradition that my family ever had or I'd ever heard of (or I invented because I liked the sound of it) was fulfilled. We had the works, Brussel sprout, roast potatoes, mash, peas, carrots, Quorn turkey (vegetarian), two types of gravy, cranberry sauce, stuffing, filo spinach and Ricotta cheese pie - AWESOME.

We had Christmas crackers with paper hats, crap toys and th world's worst jokes - just the way it's supposed to be. Dessert was Christmas pudding with Brandy Butter AND ice-cream - Christmas pudding was set on fire with Cognac of course! OUTSTANDING. By the end of it I just manged to squeeze a coffee and a Cognac in before I burst.

The rest of the afternoon was spent snoozing, sitting by the pool an talking to friends and family on Skype - the day was perfectly completed with a drink and some Christmas cake while sitting in the hot tub - A wonderful day - MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL.

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