Monday, December 22, 2008

T’was the night before Christmas

(Forwarded courtesy of Judi Saxon)

T’was the night before Christmas and all through the town,

No noses were frozen, no snow fluttered down.

No children in flannels were tucked into bed,

They all wore their shorty pajamas instead.

On patio and pool decks sat Daddies and Mums,

‘Neath durian, papaya and coconut palms.

The slumbering kiddies were dreaming with glee,

In hopes of finding TOYS R US under the tree.

They all knew that Santa was well on his way,

In a new Proton Saga instead of a sleigh.

He whizzed down the highway & squeezed down the roads,

Dodging the cycles while peddling his loads.

He sprang from his Saga as quick as a wink,

Was all dressed in Bermudas of red, white and pink.

There weren’t any chimneys but that caused no gloom,

For Santa in Malaysia enters through the Amah’s room.

He stopped at each house and stayed only a minute,

As he emptied his bag of the toys that were in it.

And finally the gifts for Mum and Papa,

Then to the table for air kelapa (coconut water).

Next he leapt into his car and threw it in gear,

And drove down Bangsar singing songs of good cheer.

But we heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight:

“MERRY CHRISTMAS, KL and to all a good night, LAH!”

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