Monday, January 05, 2009

The Week That Was - (IM - 9 weeks to go)

So with one decent long run under my belt last Sunday I was a little more motivated to get stuck into Ironman training.

It was New Year's Week but I'd had enough of drinking, eating and varnishing. Time to get fit again. The chest was better (ish) so I started putting some runs, rides and a swim in.

To be precise 1 swim, two runs and 3 rides. Not huge but spread across the week and better than I'd achieved since Phuket. In fact the ride turned out to be a reasonably strong 186k to PD and back, starting at 5:30 in the morning through torrential rain. I started to bonk (run out of energy) at one point and told Sam about it - he suggested I eat something - simple really but when the brain is starved of energy and sugar it sometimes misses the obvious - a bit of food and some liquid (I think I was getting dehydrated too which only compounded the problem) and I was right as rain again (appropriate pun considering the prevailing weather). All in all a confidence boosting ride.

The following day the final run of the week also turned out to be a bit of a eye-opener. I turned up 5 minutes late, only to see the group disappearing down the road. I parked quickly and chased after them. I fully expected to catch them at about the 10k point but instead came across them at about 4k - inspired (and showing off) I raced past them. I had fully intended to stop a few metres later and then join them but I thought "what the heck, let's see how long I can keep this up".

At the 11k drink stop I was on fire (in the sense of going well rather than spontaneously combusting). Had a drink and stormed back to the car park - 21k in 1hr35 - blimey I'd better keep going - so I knocked out another 7k to make it a very satisfying and rather swift 28k.

Was I sore on Monday - OH YES - but it was worth it. Training started again Tuesday and this is when the real volume starts - update on Monday (if I survive).

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