Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Week That Was - (IM - 4 weeks to go)

OK, not totally healthy start to the week but certainly better than things have been and a miracle Sunday run last week left me with loads of confidence and not to much snot and phlegm to worry about.

Monday First swim in almost two weeks - 3k of sets - could tell I've missed training but all in all pretty happy.

Did a 50k interval turbo while watching "Slumdog Millionaire" with Shilpa - very cool movie, bits were pretty harrowing (and all the slum stuff was 100% as it is according to Shilpa) - a very different movie from the usual over-produced Hollywood conveyor belt stuff and well deserved of several Oscars in my humble opinion.

Tuesday Kicked off with a slightly tougher 3+k interval swim this morning. Felt OK. Tuesday night treadmill session - blitzed a 17+k interval session - SWEET!

Wednesday 80k ride before work and for the first time it didn't intimidate me, on the contrary, I really enjoyed it for the first time. Nailed it 11 minutes faster than my previous best. The 12.5k run that came next was also a blinder, 2 minutes faster than my previous best - looks like I'm getting "better" health-wise and fitness-wise.

Wednesday night Rubbish swim but still knocked out 3.8k with the group session - onwards and upwards.

Thursday Another 3.7k swim in the morning that went pretty well followed by my nightmare Thursday night 9k run. I always really struggle with this one for some reason, it's an easy run but I'm always flat and shattered. Fortunately Shilpa ran the first 6k with me and I struggled alone around the rest of it.

Friday Turbo session this morning - Mum and Dad arriving this afternoon so no excuses had to put it in - not too bad but tough tough tough

Saturday Up at 5:00a.m. and on the bike by 5:30 again. Met the group at MegaMall at 6:30 and then headed for the tough Morib loop - thought it would be 210k but we went a different way from previous outings and it ended up being 192k - flat and not windy as expected - fast though - great session. Knocked out an intense 8.8k run afterwards - intervals just to make it harder. LOVELY.

Sunday A 32k run was scheduled again although I gave myself permission to cut it short if necessary. I intended to go out slow and see what happened. What happened was a surprise - started chatting to Hayley and before I knew it we were hacking along at an awesome pace and the same on the way back. Hayley then hung in with Emma while I continued at a blistering pace (for me anyway) got to the car park, quick bottle of water and a gel and then back out for Double Hill; with Don just to keep me honest. Needless to say Don eased away from me but I felt good and finished up feeling very comfortable - AMAZINGLY 15 minutes faster than last week!!! Two miracle runs, two weeks in a row.

I've dropped another Kg so all on track there. A real solid week but can you believe it I can feel a cold coming on again!!!

3 more weeks to go and just 7 days of "full-on" misery before the taper starts.

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