Monday, March 30, 2009

Lake Kenyir Tri - Pssssssssssst - DNF

Out of respect for Ngae I am going to keep this very short my focus is on him not the weekend.

A Six hour drive with Shilpa and the boys was bad enough but it's been a long time since I've been beaten up quite so much in a swim. I was out in slightly under 29 minutes and knew I had a lot to do.

I saw Shilpa and the boys as I came out of transition and she shouted that I was fourth in my category. Within 5 minutes on the bike, over the somewhat challenging hills I was up to second place and then caught Wong At Thiam (ex national cyclist and Malaysia's Hawaii rep again this year). We were no doubt both very pleased to have each other for company in this draft legal race and started tearing up the course. Then pssssssssst - a puncture and that was that, I carry no spare so the long walk home began. Actually I got a lift in the end.

I met a rather surprised Shilpa for breakfast with the boys. Spent the day swimming with them and had a lovely time so the weekend was not totally wasted. We then headed home for another 6 hour drive - yuk. Will fly next time I do this race. Bring on the KL - Terengganu Highway.

Beautifully organised and administered again - thank you Mr. Chan, Mrs. Chan and Samantha, Desmond and all the other guys behind this race. Great job.


  1. Heard bout your tyre went bust in kenyir..there's always next time.

  2. Anonymous9:34 pm

    i also got a puncture, but managed to fix it. my first olympic tri - nice people, horrible hills. i think you had breakfast with my wife, sam?

  3. Yes had a lovely breakfast and it was a pleasure to meet Sam and your three lovely kids. Still don't know your name though? I thought Sam was really brave to do the swim and doing the 6.5k swim next - awesome.

  4. oliver Knott10:06 pm

    oli here, sam's husband.
    didn't do the kapas swim. i had a bizarre insect/eye malfunction so i'm not allowed to swim for a month while it heals.
    think i'm going to have a crack at the putrajaya 70.3 and then ironman langkawi next year.
