Friday, April 24, 2009

KL Marathon to Boston Marathon

OK so here it is, the official announcement: -

I'm aiming for qualification to the Boston Marathon when competing in the KL Marathon this year. I need to sub 3:20:59 and my previous PB for a marathon is 3:53 so this is a big ask but hey if you don't set yourself mountains to climb how will you ever know what is possible - and just think of the view up there.

Just for clarity if I do qualify I am not necessarily going to go to Boston as I'm not into all the "Boston Marathon Mecca" hoopla - We all know that the real "Sporting Mecca" is Hawaii Ironman. It might even be cool to be able to say "Yeah, I qualified but couldn't be bothered to go". Mind you it would be a good excuse for a holiday, Boston's a nice city.

Check out the table below for Boston age-group qualifying times: -

Click on picture to enlarge


  1. Anonymous11:32 am

    Wah..good target..although difficult for many runners,But I think u CAN DO IT..cheers !


  2. u can do it...but qualifying time is 3:10...gulp..

  3. Anonymous2:52 pm

    Is the Std Chart KL Marathon results recognised by Boston for qualification?

  4. second on tey! :) Am sure you can do it. Go Simon!


  5. Yes any International sanctioned race is recognised for Boston - all you've got to do then is the qualifying time - gulp!!
