Thursday, April 30, 2009

KL Marathon - Video

(Courtesy of SCKLIM and Tey)

This is very cool albeit I feel a bit sick having watched it. I know KL pretty well but this takes a bit of working out in terms of instant recognition. Have a look it's a fun way to cover a marathon anyway.


  1. wow...looks quite far...

  2. Interesting video but what a way to kick start my day with headache!

  3. Cheong10:48 am

    I felt sea sick after watching it & could not recognise most of the route. It really needs working on. Honestly, all they need to do is update the distance markers on the current map on the website & show us the approx location of the hydration stations. Good reference map to follow - Std Chart Singapore Marathon.

  4. I feel this is excellent effort by the organizer. Havent seen such thing in other races before. I know the places even tho the video is at very fast pace. I showed it to those pple I pulled into the full marathon. They felt excited.
