Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update from Hayley - "The Marathon Woman"

Hey - just home. Well I did it! Beautiful day - crowds were amazing. . . For me it was a huge mental battle - already from 5 miles/8 k - I was in pain. Because I was trying 2 spare my foot , my knee also started 2 go- from my strange landing n weak take off. Plus my watch conked out ! Despite all that finished in a respectable 3:09, smiling. I won't do a marathon with an injury again. Was so focused on ignoring the pain - couldn't really enjoy the atmosphere. C u soon

Simon says: - Hayley has for months been struggling with severe Plantar fasciitis (Click for overview) she could barely walk leading up to the race but still knocked out a 3:09 marathon - WOW!


  1. Anonymous3:55 pm

    Wow-fantastic Hayley. Don't know how you do it....I can't even DREAM of achieving that time....Hope your foot is not too bad. Shilpa

  2. Anonymous9:36 pm

    I've never seen Hayley ride or swim but after this achievement she gets my vote in the TTH Hall of Fame when Emma creates it. Disco :-)

  3. Well done by Hayley. Well endowed must be by a heart that can pump many times more oxygen then ordinary runner like me.
