Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Marshman 1/2 Ironman - Chris Wayman


Boy what a race!!! I have never in a tri looked forward so much to getting onto the run!!

5am - The day started out OK....bit grey, gentle breeze and a little chilly (12oC). Made the call for long sleeve base layer, tri top and shorts, and knee warmers.....All under my wetsuit

7am - Weather wasn't too bad for the swim (1.9k)....3 lengths of the lake.....nicely lined out by water-ski slalom buoys! The second length was starting to get a bit choppy, but could feel the wetsuit hat working as I had warm water round by ears!! My lips were numbing by end of second length....but managed to pick up some feet for a final draft down the lake.

Into T1.....I put on more clothes inc a beanie hat under my helmet and on with a windproof gillet....and off onto the road...dripping as my many layers of wet clothes dried out!!

First 15 miles were quick on main roads (av 24mph [38.5kph]), then we turned onto the country lanes (very pretty), but wind building, and still couldn't feel my feet from the swim. Bike was feeling good despite the lack of hard rides this year We dropped onto the Marsh and turned for the last 15 miles.....head wind gusting 30mph [48km]...and getting darker....I rode the last 15miles on the small front chain ring....then it poured (just a shower...right) and the wind got worse....was now in a lower gear that I had been in on the hills earlier. Remember our day down on the Marsh (when we went on the little train)....flat, exposed and barren.....now throw in rain/hail and try racing!! As I passed Camber Sands, there were 150 kite/windsurfers out....who is madder triathletes of surfers when the weather is like that I thought? Was so relieved to come back into Lydd and see the transition....Chantal and the kids had come down to watch and were stood by the road shivering.

Even more chuffed when I saw I has achieved 19.5mph average (and the bike was long at 59miles [94.5km])

T2.....keep all my clothes on...even now the sun was out...but still blowing olde boots. Started the run...first 3 miles feet were just warming up and I thought too many clothes I'm going to overheat....but then it hailed and I was running along trying to hide under my baseball hat peak...with a hand protecting my face from the driving hail. Was really happy with the run....esp as the last 4 miles were into the wind and by now the gusty 30mph had turned into a cold constant 30mph!

Amazingly as I finished there where still lots going out on the run and these folk would be out for 7+ hours, think how they must have felt!!

Swim 00:30:34
T1 00:03:31
Bike 03:01:00
T2 00:01:44
Run 01:42:25
Overall 05:19:15 - 29th place

So all in all, a tough race...would have been fantastic if the weather was right....

My arm hurt this morning....face is glowing from the wind burn....but there rest of me feels good.....Bring on the GB age group championships in Bala in 4 weeks


Simon says: - If only Chantal hadn't sent me the photos - looks like your biggest problem was getting a sunburn Chris. I accept that there may have been a gentle breeze blowing but come on dude HARDEN UP.

Joking aside Chris still beat my best half Ironman time even in these conditions - WELL DONE. I can't wait until we go head to head at Alpe d'Huez Long Course Triathlon - bring it on.

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