Friday, May 29, 2009

Mountain Biking 101 - the big test

A quick overview of this morning's outing. Just to recap I've ridden a mountain bike just once before and fell of twice. I've entered the Xterra Triathlon in Kuantan which takes place next weekend and thought I ought to get some practise in.

Met Stuart and KK this morning at 10am having dropped the boys off at school. Headed to the Mountain bike track in FRIM (Forestry Reserve). Stopped to adjust the saddle - looked up and they were gone.

I headed out to the track and continued on expecting to come across them any minute. I got to the bottom of "Steroid Hill" and bumped into an ex-colleague of mine, Dinesh Karna. He's embarking on a fitness campaign and was taking a breather while another ex-colleague, Neil Ford was whizzing around Steroid Hill. Sure enough he arrived and agreed to give me some pointers as we went up the hill and then on to the really steep top section - Mango Hill.

I got into a comfortable gear and to my surprise pulled away from Neil - so far so good, we then took an unexpected right turn up Mango Hill and I was in my middle chain ring - oh-oh! Never mind, I stood up and started trying to power up, problem was the back wheel kept slipping no matter how much I leaned back. Never mind again, I kept as much traction as I could just kept powering it along, then I caught up with Neil and my bike handling skills showed out. I drifted to the left, got in the soft stuff and came to an abrupt halt.

Now the real problem was restarting - very difficult - this hill is steep, I was using Look pedals and cleats that were full of mud - not good. Had a few aborted attempts and then went head over heels down the hill - first (and I'm pleased to say last) fall of the day. Eventually I got going and joined Neil at the top.

Coming down was amazing, I have no problem coming down a hill on the highway at 95kph on a tri or road bike but coming down this track was another matter. Very scary but very exhilarating. Neil, disappeared like a flash, it was awesome to watch. Anyway, got down and met up with Dinesh again. Had a quick chat then we headed in our respective directions.

As I rounded the first corner I bumped into Stuart and Jason (KK had to make a meeting). I did an about turn and we headed up Steroid Hill again but the other way around, steeper and more rutted. I am pleased to say that I got to the top without any problems (no Mango Hill this time, time was getting short - I think we were all happy about that). I was getting better on the decent this time and was sure Stuart would have been impressed seeing me pull away from him - but then he shot past me - clearly much work for me to do on the descents.

Horribly dehydrated I headed out for a painful but necessary 4k, 20 minute run. It went pretty well so Xterra here I come (got to think about the pedals though - especially because my shoes disintegrated today).

Absolutely outstanding morning, huge fun, huge learning experience, great company - Life if good. Better do some work now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:16 pm

    Simon – Great to get out with you guys this morning and good going on Steroid! On the wheel spinning issue your probably being a bit to aggressive on putting all of that might wattage down at once your on loose terrain so find the grip and but it down progressively...- spinning wheels is a waste of effort. Another area to consider is the tyre itself - it looks like it came with the bike, so there is a high chance by now the rubber has gone hard not good for grip. I use Kenda Nevegal 26x1.95 a tad narrow for some but very grippy – should do the business. I'll probably try and get out for a ride in the week will keep you posted. Stuart
