Friday, June 12, 2009

And that's how the fight started.....

(Courtesy of Ian Hay)

Saturday morning I got up early as usual, quietly dressed, grabbed my phone, RoadID, energy bars etc and slipped quietly out.. I pumped a bit of pressure into my tyres, turned on my bike computer/heart rate monitor and proceeded out into a torrential tropical downpour. The wind was blowing 80kph, so I waited for 20 minutes but it clearly wasn't going to abate for a long time.

I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible..."

My loving wife of 7 years replied, "Can you believe my stupid husband is out cycling in that?"

And that's how the fight started.....

Simon says: - "Of course this is a joke (I edited it as the original was a guy going fishing), anyone that knows me would have known that I'd have never bailed on a bike ride WHATEVER the weather!"

1 comment:

  1. good one Simon. Now with Xterra under your belt, rain is just another motivation to take your wife's MTB for a pedal in Kiara.
