Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Diving in Bali

When for a management retreat recently in Bali and did a spot of diving with my business partner Ian. Here are a few piccies. We did two dives, first a wreck dive and then a cliff dive. Neither of us have been diving for 15 years (wow, how did those years pass by?) so we were a little worried about our potentially lost skills - no worries though, as soon as we hit the water all was good.

This final photo shows Ian poaching my air with my spare regulator. I have a reputation for not breathing underwater so he shares my air when his is down to the minimum. This way we can extend the length of the dive (got to get ones money's worth eh?)

1 comment:

  1. Keat Seong8:06 pm

    i love Tulamben, been there 2 years back and it was Superb... :D
