Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dr. Tan the UltramarathonMan

I spoke to Dr. Tan in the middle of the Gobi Desert last night. Signal was rubbish so we agreed to talk when he's back in Malaysia on Tuesday. What a hero though, he finished the Gobi March and was as cheerful as ever.

Looking at the web site they haven't given him a finishing time yet for yesterday's final stage - I hope that's nothing ominous related to his hitchhiking a ride on a camel (only 3k) at the end of the long stage.

I can't wait to hear all the stories and adventures that he had - Dr. Tan is without doubt one of my sporting heroes, an icon, a legend! I'm not going to need much more material before I will be able to write a book on him.

Dr. Tan, I salute you, Malaysia salutes you, we all salute you.


  1. Cheong9:59 am

    FYI - Apparently, not official finisher.
    Source: See Sofian blog comment:

    Still....His feat is inspirational & did us proud. Congrats Dr Tan.

  2. A group of us has committed to give donation to Hospis Malaysia before Doc went. As far as I am concerned he is a finisher and I will give my donation to Hospis Malaysia for his venture. Cant wait to see him back.
