Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

What a wonderful day. I woke up to ride at 6a.m. but just couldn't get motivated this morning. I was supposed to be doing a Team Time Trial but that was cancelled at the last minute and a longish ride by myself was not appealing today for some reason.

So I went back to bed and waited for the inevitable attack by the monsters, Sid and Seb. They came running in with gorgeous hand made cards that they'd done at school complete with picture of me.

The I got my present, arm warmers for the bike - very nice. Not much use in Malaysia of course but with the rides in France approaching not to mention the Alpe d'Huez Long course triathlon they will come in very useful - I'm not very clever in the cold it has to be said.

For lunch we went out for a lovely Thai meal and then on to Camp 5 on One Utama for indoor climbing. Neither the boys nor Shilpa had done this before and they all loved it. Shilpa was a natural of course and the boys amazed us for their first attempt - they're only 3 1/2!!! Cool or what?

Back home and the boys were fast asleep in the car so daddy had to watch the F1 all by himself.

What a wonderful day.

Daddy be careful

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