Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Team Time Trial - 21st June

Hey fellow riders, duathletes and triathletes, this post is for you and it is a call to arms. As many of you will know there is a new amateur race series being developed in KL by Nick Flyger.

It started off with really encouraging turnouts but I understand that the last couple of races have not been as successful. I think there are a few reasons for that but mainly because they clashed with other running and tri events.

The next race is on the 21st June and is a Team Time Trial. I've never done a Team Time Trial before and as you know I'd never really ridden off road before Xterra either. I went because I wanted to do something different and experience something new. If you've read anything I wrote about it you'll know that I had a ball. So on the same basis of that I urge every one to get together with 3 buddies (team of 4) and turn up for the Team Time Trial on the 21st June.

This is an amateur race, you don't have to be a road racer or a Time Trialist, it's just going to be huge fun, something new and different and something I passionately believe you should all try.

Ladies why not put a girls team together. It's all about you and the clock - so come and test yourselves.

In the spirit of the race there will be 2 categories - one that is aero (great for all the guys with their aero tri bikes, wheels, aero helmets etc) and one that is purely road specific.

Go to the RICE website to see the details HERE

Or go directly to the registration page HERE and sign up a team of four - come on it'll be fun.

For those of you doing the KL Marathon on the 28th June (like me) then this will be great cross training/tapering of those running muscles.

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