Monday, July 06, 2009

Nike Lunarglide+, quick update

I wore them in the office on Friday afternoon and my feet got very hot very quickly. The upper seems very close knit but the hot feeling may have just been the office.

I received as many positive comments as negative about the black and orange colour scheme. Personally I like it. Some may argue that Nike lost it's way as a serious shoe maker for runners but none can argue they've ever lost their way as the leader of sports fashion.

Personally I really like the colour scheme, very bold and very funky. Put on your black running shorts and singlet and you're decked out and looking the part.

I missed my Sunday run (body not responding after Saturday's hard bike/run brick). However, I used them for a reasonable brick run on Saturday. Just 4.4k but hilly and a sub 5min per k pace.

My ride was hard and fast (115k averaging 37.5kph) so I was pretty shot by the run and I was a little worried that the Lunarglides were going to be unstable as they have a very "mushy" feel when you first wear them (not an unpleasant feeling I might add). As it happens they were extremely stable and very gentle on my feet.

I started off thinking I was going to be disappointed but at the end I was very happy and quite impressed. Early days yet and NO I won't blog after every run but since this was the first one I thought I'd write something.

I'll crack out a few kilometres before the next update - I'll no doubt have a good idea about them by then.

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