Friday, July 03, 2009


I got my Lunarglide+ when I arrived in the office this morning. Nike clearly promoting them and passed them to a number of people in Malaysia to test them and comment on-line in their various blogs and social networking forums.

The challenge now is to put these shoes through rigourous testing (not a problem, they'll have several hundred kilometres under their belt within a few weeks). Then I have to be objective about what I find and write honestly about them, whether good or bad.

At the end of the day all runners are different so what I might consider good, others may find bad and vice-versa, therefore I will give my opinion but ultimately I suggest that if you're interested in trying these shoes then read multiple reviews and take it from there.

First impressions - I like!!! Very different looking shoe, orange and black - quite funky! They smell great although that will soon change for sure.

I was just about to buy a new pair of Asics Nimbus for my long, hard and hilly runs. The Nike Lunarglide+ will now be the formal replacement - I might go for a spin in them today but for sure I'll be doing a swiftish 21k on Sunday.

Watch this space.

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