Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Port Dickson Sprint Distance Triathlon 2009

(Photos courtesy of Ivie, Steve, Karoline, Paul Lee to name but a few)

Shilpa is studying for her MBA and simply didn't have time to come to the events this year so I left her hard at work and the boys at home - very sad about that but France is but two short weeks away.

I was very organised for a change and was at registration almost 2 hours before the race (3 hours as it turned out). There was a little hic-cup with registration for today's Sprint and tomorrow's Olympic Distance races but Samantha looked after me beautifully as always. Thanks Sam, much appreciated.

Put the bike together, got asked if I was a "Pro" by one guy and then told by another that I couldn't possibly ride with a disc as there was a strong cross-wind. I thought that made discs even faster! But he wouldn't have it, so I apologised as I only had that option today. He gave me a knowing look as if he thought I was doomed - oh well ay!

Loaded the bike on the racks near the exit, said hi to so many people - I love these races and this sport, everyone is so friendly and such a cool bunch from the fastest pro to the newest newbie - awesome.

Went to Mr. Chan's briefing - I can't describe it, you have to be at one - bring along plenty of time, lots of patience and a good sense of humour - they are classic and huge fun if you don't have your serious head on.

The news was that the race for the Super Sprint (Under 13s) would start at 4pm and the Sprint at 4:40pm, it later transpired that the police asked for the Sprint delayed to 5pm for safety reasons. So a full hour after we were supposed to start, off we went.

The tide was out so it was a long run to the water and then a bit of a washing machine - partly due to the flailing athletes and partly due to the large swell sweeping in. All went well and for once I actually felt reasonably competitive in the swim (the upper end of rubbish but it's all about one's perspective).

As it happened I came out alongside my main rival, Nemesis and friend Iwata-San. He usually kicks my butt in the swim so I was pretty surprised but sensed a potential upset today.

The Sprint in PD is always 750m rather than shorter distance in places like A'Formosa. Therefore I spend most of the bike trying to catch Iwata - and failing - I've never won PD Sprint race so I was pretty enthused today.

Out of transition first and nailed the bike for all I was worth to put as much time on him as possible and mop up any better swimmers in our age-group ahead (there were many).

A very strong bike on my own had me out on the run as Iwata was coming off the main road. I was now running scared (a good way to run I might add - you don't slow down until you fall down). I passed the lst two or three guys in our category before half way so now I knew where I was and what I had to do.

Round the turnaround at the yacht club and time to pick up the pace some more. There was Iwata, maybe 2 minutes or so down on me. No way was I going to let him catch me - still running scared I finished in a time of 1hr10mins. 1st place and nothing left for tomorrow (or so I thought) but it was worth it. No longer a bridesmaid.

I grabbed a shower and went to the carbo-loading and prize-giving before driving back to Kajang for a well earned sleep in my own bed.

No prize-money this year as budgets have been cut but I got something better - a Milo hamper. The boys were ecstatic! I also got a lovely glass trophy and a nice new pair of Crocs. My weekend was complete although there was the small matter of the Olympic Distance race tomorrow.

Footnote (pun intended): - I started off the KL Marathon with a dodgy right foot after Xterra, I survived but it was still painful and very weak before the race - I seem to have gotten away with it again but only a good night's sleep and plenty of ice will see if I really did.

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