Monday, July 20, 2009

Siemens 10K

(Photo courtesy of Tey)

Usual 21K on Sunday morning was switched around a bit. First of all I ran Double Hill at the usual time and that gave me a few minutes to run down to Merdeka Square in time for the Siemens 10k.

Sadly it was a tough old day for me. It was hurting from the get go. Struggled around Double Hill and really wasn't looking forward to running the next 10k. Check out my photo - this was a cross between a smile and a painful grimace!

I started at the very very back and weaved my way in and out of the walker/runners. Each kilometre was well marked and I painfully made my way from one to the next. It seemed to be going on forever so the last 2-3k I put my foot down, so to speak, and accelerated to the finish to put myself out of the misery.

At last it was all over. I shuffled back to the car, drove home and promptly spent the WHOLE of Sunday in bed watching TV and sleeping. I guess the KL Marathon and two races in PD finally caught up with me. I don't feel much better this morning and now only have one week to recover for Alpe d'Huez - rest rest rest (maybe with a little bit of training - you know me, I can't totally stop).

One little gripe though. As I ran through the finish I got handed a certificate but no medal!!! I think only the first 100 get a medal per category which I think stinks! They cost next to nothing, especially when bought in bulk for a race of this size.

It's always nice to go home with a chunk of metal even though mine goes into a huge draw with literally hundreds of others. So it doesn't bother me really, what does bother me is that running a 10K for a great many runners is a really big deal and for some a massive struggle. They deserve a medal regardless of where they finish. I remember my first few races and how the whole thing seemed wonderfully magical with that medal around my neck. Recently Sid and Seb won their first medals and they squealed with delight (in a manly way of course) when they were presented with them.

Come on organisers don't be tight, charge everyone an extra RM2 if that's what it really takes or save costs elsewhere but NOT on a coveted finishing memento! It's the last 100 you should be encouraging to keep it up; the first 100 are hooked already.


  1. well said on the last bit :)

  2. Anonymous11:46 am

    Very childish of the organisers to restrict the number of medals. Starngely, this seems to be something common with the Malaysian runs....sigh!
