Wednesday, August 19, 2009

France - Day after the race

Carmen got hold of Seb and tried to bring out his feminine side - he looks too pretty it's scary.

Up at Alpe d'Huez we went on the summer's Seb and I in the chair lift...wicked.

Part of Alpe d'Huez town, the ski slopes (without snow) in the background and a glimpse of the luge at the bottom.

Sid coming up with me in the chair lift. He'd live to regret this as when we came down on the fast luge track daddy got a little carried away, we took off (literally a metre plus of the ground) half landed on a banked cornered and proceeded to slide upside down on the fibreglass luge track - sid was shaken and had a slight graze whereas as daddy had some pretty mean road rash all down his arm and leg.

A proud mummy with her beautiful boys.

Chris poking his head around the corner...careful there's a lift coming the other way.

Mummy did her fair share of luge runs with the boys too. Actually there was no keeping her off it.

On the way back to the chalet we came down via an alternate route - how gorgeous is this part of the world?

Looking down over the valley, the mountains in the background and cyclists ascending Alpe d'Huez. Did I mention gorgeous before?

There is a constant stream of cyclists all day every day ascending and descending Alpe d'Huez, it really is a mythical climb. There's every kind of rider and every kind of bike. There were even people running and skiing up on roller skis (not sure if this is the right term but you get the gist).

Kofi and India were on good form throughout although Indie did lose a few brownie points when she deleted the family's entire photo collection off the camera...OOPS!

Chantal and Chris in a romantic embrace. I do remember Chris being taller than this though...strange how ones memory plays tricks.

Bourg d'Oisans from above.

The lake that we swam the triathlon in.

A reverse view from the lake (taken on race day).

They were long days for the boys that's for sure. Altitude, exercise and fresh air...just the job.

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