Tuesday, August 18, 2009

France - On Arrival

Waiting for the Bullet train from Paris to the Alps - How many bags? A bit more planning and less bags next time me thinks!!!

Seb sporting his new Sunglasses!

Sid likewise, not sure about these shades though, we may need to upgrade them to cooler models for the cool dudes wearing them.

Shilpa, Chantal and the boys waiting to get our tickets to go up in the Bubble Cars to the Glacier.

How pretty is this place?!!!

Simon and his gorgeous boys in the Bubble Car.

Oh yes! This'll do nicely!

Sid and Seb on the glacier in the middle of a scorching summer - amazing! The first time they've seen snow too. Sadly they hated it - cold and slippy! Never mind, it'll grow on them.

Simon having a ball.

Daddy scaring the living daylights out of Sid - he didn't like this at all!

Shilpa being her amazing self, embracing the tobogganing on rain jackets big time. And being rather good at it!!!

Simon, seeing how far he could push the envelope!

Back at our little (very little) chalet at the foot of the Alpe d'Huez climb.

My boys doing what they do best - looking gorgeous.

Shilpa looking very happy, relaxed and ready for a cool time.

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