Tuesday, August 25, 2009

France - Paris

Sadly and very reluctantly we had to leave Sam and Carmen and travel to Paris. The consolation was that we'd be seeing Grandma and Grandad (my Mum and Dad). Also Shilpa had planned to meet up with a couple of her friends too.

Having checked in, we met Mum and Dad and then headed straight out to the Eiffel Tower. The queues were as usual enormous but we decided that since the weather was so wonderful and we had so much to do in the three short days that we had in Paris, we'd wait it out.

Mum and Dad took one look at the crowds and decided it wasn't for them so they took leisurely stroll while we battled to the top.

Paris is one of the most, probably the most beautiful city in the world.

Views down the Seine towards Notre Dame.

Champs Elysee.

Shilpa and the boys.

Me and the boys.

Afterwards we met up with Mum and Dad and walked to the Seine, with the plan to take the Batobus. This is a cool tourist boat/taxi that takes in all the sites up and down the river.

Brotherly love.

Mum and Dad a.k.a. Grandma and Grandad enjoying their boat ride with their daughter-in-law, grandtwins and little baby son (me).

We hoped off the Batobus at the Louvre, had a bit to eat and then you guessed it (no not the Mona Lisa) - the funfair. Daddy and the boys hitting the Ferris Wheel. Spot the support team.

Blackpool Tower?

The Louvre and the Pyramid.

Oh what joy, the boys found a Sport Car Ride - they were in heaven.

Happy families. Waiting for the Batobus to take us home - everyone is getting pretty tired by now.

A beautiful model agreed to let me take her picture with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

Simon Says: - When we were riding on the Batobus we saw a man throw himself into the river. It was all very traumatic.

We later found out he was in-Seine


  1. my favorite picture - seb and sid hugging, with the eiffel tower in the background! :-D

  2. There are so many great places to see in France like Notre Dame and Eiffel Tower. Just to walk around is already an experience. Sipping a cup of coffee while cruising the Seine is one of the few things you can do to savor your trip.
    Lifestyles of Paris
