Monday, October 05, 2009

Mother of all trail races

(Courtesy of Mohan the Great)

Simon says: - This looks like a hell of a challenge - one for the future maybe? (Half Ironman Putrajaya, Malaysia write up coming soon - waiting for results and more piccies).

Click on article to enlarege

1 comment:

  1. Buddy: Congrats. Heard u were top !!! I m back finally :) ....happy i survived first swim (most risky part), happy I biked on the road after MRI 3 weeks ago which said skull looks strong again (but brain swell still recovering for some months) and never so happy in the run and the whole event (I was singing hahaha in the run) EVEN THOUGH NOW I AM TOLD BY FRENS THAT I MIGHT HAVE MISSED SOMETHING ON THE BIKE ROUTE. I finished just over 6 hours and have to add 10 to 15 minutes? ok ma...BUT I M SO HAPPY NOW GOD PUT ME BACK IN THE WATER AND THE ROADS AGAIN AND MIND ALL SET FOR LUMUT AND LANGKAWI....So happy and high spirit again.
