Wednesday, December 16, 2009

NYC Half Marathon - Fresh Air Fund

Simon says: - Anyone thinking about doing the NYC Half Marathon - please consider representing the Fresh Air Fund. Sara sent me this email below and she works tirelessly to help underprivileged inner city kids. Have a look at the website at least - some great work going on there.

Hi Simon

I hope you're doing well this holiday season. The Fresh Air Fund is looking for runners and sponsors to join our Fresh Air Fund-Racers team for the NYC Half-Marathon this coming March 21st and I was hoping you might be able to post something about it on Tritwins to share with your readers. This is a great way to participate in NYC's premier summer road race while helping Fresh Air Fund children.

Over the last year, support from friends like you helped us give nearly 10,000 inner-city children country experiences that they're still talking about! We rely on donations this time of year to keep our programs strong for the summer months, and helping children is a cause that I'm sure your readers would be interested in. Please feel free to repost anything from our news site here:

Please let me know if you are able to post or tweet and if you could send me the link that would be wonderful. Together we can help make sure these children have everything they need!

Thank you so much and have a happy holiday,

Sara Wilson,
The Fresh Air Fund

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