Tuesday, December 15, 2009

OMG - Black Beauty - even more beautiful!

Not only did the Trek TT bike get the fastest bike split at Hawaii Ironman this year it is rumoured that the new Trek TT will be representing the US in the Miss World Competition next year due to its unrivalled beauty.

It's difficult to believe that so many people ride those other "tanks" from the north, especially considering not even one of them made it into the top 15 in Hawaii this year!!

In fact my good friend Patrick (Canadian) commented this weekend that he wouldn't ride a French bike anyway. I pointed out that they were Canadian and his retort was "Hmm! Probably French Canadian" and that seemed to settle it for him.

Anyway, I digress, having now offended just about every triathlete I know, Sam, Carmen, Disco Dave, Bee, Chris, KK, Emma, Jens, Keat Seong...the list goes on (everyone in Malaysia seems to have a Canadian bike). Also apologies to Johan (South Africa) and Bryan (Canada) but I thought you'd like to see what a gorgeous bike looks like when she's been pimped up with a set of USE Tula aero bars - once you've seen this I suspect the secondhand Canadian bike market is going to be flooded and Trek and USE websites jammed... ENJOY...(Check out the brake levers - I won't be able to stop of course but they look great which is the most important thing!).

I have been asked where I got these beauties from. USE is a British company and I bought them online in the UK (GBP458 incl. VAT) - not cheap by any means but even after paying VAT this was cheaper than the US, Australia or Singapore. Sam was an absolute star and very kindly arranged for his daughter to take delivery of them (thanks Sarah) and then carted them by hand from England to Malaysia, thanks Sam.


  1. Hi Simon
    Hey don't be so hard on us. Must say if it wasn't for the USE handle bar the Trek would have looked a bit dull.Haha

    Remember as the saying goes "The machine doesn't make the man" You still need to pedal that lovely bike of yours.

    Just kidding, Enjoy

  2. Delivery was courtesy of "pack horse Sam"

  3. Hey Johan, I was rather hoping that with the new Tulas that pedaling would be a thing of the past - didn't I read somewhere that they make the bike fly?

    As for being hard on you Cervelo guys, seems to me that they're the most popular bike for good reason. Wouldn't give up my Trek though.

    I read also that you on your P4 are feared even by the pros in South Africa. I'd love to ride with you one day! I'm sure that will happen sooner or later though.

  4. Hey Sam,

    I've been waiting for you to name your bike and "Pack Horse" works really well. Even better than your old Alu P3,the "Orange Rattler".

    As for playing courier for me with my Tula bars, I really am grateful, they would have been a long time coming if it wasn't for you. (I did put a mention on Twitter & Facebook by the way but have been remiss in my blog - this will be rectified immediately).

  5. Simon
    Looking forward to join you for a ride one day.

    Looking at your IM China training log, you are really putting in BIG numbers, I am amazed. You're really working hard, well done. You'll have a good race

  6. Thanks Johan, I've got Ironman Malaysia to worry about first though and that'sgonna be damn hot.

  7. Hey miaomiao, if you're talking about Ferrari then I'm with you but if you're talking about TT/tri bikes I gotta tell you I'll go with Trek any day, closely followed by Orbea and right on their tale Cervelo. After that the list ends.

    As for road bikes, I'd go with the same list although I've got to admit I have NEVER ridden anything other than Trek so I'm not much of a "oficionado" on these matters. I do think Orbea make beautifully looking bikes though.

    PS I've nevr driven a Ferrari either.

  8. wow
    doing Malaysia & china so close to one another. good luck

  9. Thanks Johan, the intent is to push hard in one and use the other as a training day.

  10. Chris W7:22 pm

    Looking sleek.....aero......and ready to go damn fast.......

    just a shame about the sleek (NOT).....areo (NOT)......pilot!!!

  11. Simon, my other bike is a Trek 5900. I love it. And yes, touche on the Ironman finishers, your right not one cervelo.

    But, as Johan says, it's all about the legs. I remember in the 80's, Mark Allen and Dave Scott doing Kona in 8:06's and using aluminum bikes without Aero Bars.

    With all that said, I do like your bike.

  12. Hey Chris, I really want to give you sh*t but you beat me in just about every race we do over every distance (except 70.3) so I'll just bide my time.
