Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dr Chris Wayman PhD

Many of you may tune into Chris' name as he gets quite a few mentions in this blog. He and I met at college and formed a sailing team together called "The Mercenaries". Chris had big hair in those days (he was a physco-billy whatever one of those was). Chris was a wacky "way out there" kind of a guy. But then I left England and his life totally fell apart in the process - he knuckled down to his studies, got his degree and then a PhD. He got married, had kids, bought a house and became the youngest director ever for the drug giant Pfizer. What a disaster, if only I'd been there to guide him.

Chris also took up triathlon shortly after I did and has since kicked my butt in every race we've done together. His way of paying me back for abandoning him I guess!

Anyway, the point of this blog is that Chris seems to becoming a TV star too. I'm not sure if this will lead to the pharmaceutical industry's equivalent of the Naked Chef or Hell's Kitchen but Chris has appeared in the Radio Times (UK's TV Guide) in full colour splendor and will be appearing on TV to demonstrate his "Viagra apparatus" - I do hope it won't be disappointing for everyone (I have seen Chris' apparatus and as I recall it ain't that special. Clearly someone at the BBC thinks otherwise.


  1. Anonymous4:17 pm

    Aren't Viagra equipment supposed to be somewhat "sexy" and comes in a sexy shaped body?

  2. Simon
    Nothing to do with Viagra but seeing that you talk about your doctor friend, hope you get well soon.

    Hang in there and it is so wise of you to rest and don't try and push through, You will be ready come raceday.

    Get well soon
