Monday, January 11, 2010

Ironman Training Totals - W/e 10 Jan 2010

My training totals for last week: -

Total Time: - 26:31:53hrs

Swim: - 5:15:19hrs - 13.72km
Bike: - 12:07:12hrs - 419km
Run: - 7:09:22hrs - 70.9km
Core work & Stretching - 2hrs - 144 press-ups, 1500 crunches

Scores on the doors: -
Workouts - 19/23 (missed one swim and 3 core work sessions - all of these are additional to my actual plan)
Eating - 8.1/10 (mainly due to eating late and not drinking enough water - must do better)
Sleep - 6.4/10 (really really bad, must do much much better, got to get to bed earlier consistently)


  1. Wow Simon
    That is awesome, 26+ hours in a week. Without being funny how do you do it,having a job and family to look after.

    I train 20+ hours a week but need to wake up at 4am and some nights only get to bed at 11pm.

    Maybe you have a secret for me to get more hrs out of a week.

    Good luck with the last few weeks of training towards IM

  2. Hey Johan,

    The answer is several fold, firstly like you I get up early (although my early is late by your standards - only 5am).

    I have to take the boys to school by 9am so training is done early and I'm in the office by 9:30*.

    I train pretty much every lunch time to maximise the use of free time and have a sandwich at my desk.

    The rest I do in the evening when the boys have gone to bed.

    Saturday morning long ride and brick run (all done and ready for my orders by 1pm).

    Sunday morning long run but again all ready for my orders from "She who must be obeyed" by 10am.

    As for "rest days" and "off seasons" I reckon I used up 35 years worth of those as a couch potato so I don't get them anymore.

    A couple of salient points: -
    TV doesn't really happen unless I'm on the turbo (and sometimes Sunday evenings when I'm too tired to do anything else).

    Also I own my business so I can be pretty flexible with my time - i.e. longer lunch hour and 9:30am start. (Although I am usually one of the last to leave).

    *From now until IMMY I do a 2.5hr ride followed by a 1hr run on Wednesday mornings so my wife kindly takes the boys to school and I arrive at work a little later.

    So there you have it, not sure if you were really interested in so much detail but now you (and everyone else) knows.

  3. Simon
    Thanks, that is very interesting. My schedule looks pretty much the same with early mornings and the brick on Saturday and long run on Sunday.

    You are lucky by only starting after 9am. My problem is I start at 7:45am and work every second saturday so then it is a late saturday for me.

    I also don't have any time for TV or just relaxing.

    Guess the lunch hour training also make it easy( not possible for me when running a car dealership)


  4. Anonymous12:43 am

    amazing schedule simon...I reckon you are doing in a week for I did for my entire IM training!

    (Ironman Slacker Extradinaire)

  5. Hey Simon,

    Your old pal Rueban signing in from freezing Ottawa. I've been reading your blog; what an inspiration you are. I'll be back in May for a month and we should do some rides. I hope to be in reasonable shape but not anywhere close to your level. Go easy on me! Academia has been hard on my fitness. Incidentally, I'm reachable at

  6. Hi Chantz, I know that's not true, you worked real hard and under real tough conditions for your Ironman

  7. Great to hear from you Rueban - I'll email you direct.
