Friday, March 05, 2010

Bad bad news!!!!

I have been eagerly awaiting the 10 day projected weather forecast for Hainan to swing around to race day, Sunday 14th March. And here it it is: -

I now have a horrible sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach. Can you believe it, it is forecast to be a high of 18C when I arrive on Wednesday yet by Sunday it will be 34C (the same as Langkawi was forecast).

I'm by nature an optimist but a realist too, if it turns out to be another Langkawi then that's that for Hawaii - it comes down to simple biology. It won't stop me going for it, I will still put my body on the line and do everything I can to defy reality; don't forget my training strategy is always based on that very sound philosophy of DENIAL.

Of course this is a long range weather forecast so it's not cast in stone. What will be will be on the day so we will see.

Please excuse my French but...Merde Merde Merde!

This could even mean a non-wetsuit swim which would be the pits for a dodgy swimmer like me.


  1. You'll do it regardless of the weather. But I like your strategy - down play, set low expections and you only have one way to go - UP. haha.
