Thursday, March 11, 2010

The China Adventure - Wednesday 11th.

So, the story so far, stayed up past midnight on Tuesday having spent the day at work and needing to squeeze my "Shock & Awe" run in on the dreadmill followed by a core strength and stretching session.

Then it was race home and catch the boys before they slept, dinner, pack bike and then pack everything else. Mmm! I had meant to be better organised.

I toyed with the idea of a 4am swim but even I had to ice that idea. Taxi arrived at 5am. All good, met Carmen at the airport and she was a real sweetheart and helped me check in and carry my race wheels (I was taking so much hand luggage it wasn't funny).

We both had 3 seats each on the plane and slept - RESULT! She then was my guardian angel and negotiated a taxi for me at the airport.

Hotel is OK although overrated and overpriced. One small Snickers bar is USD10 in the mini bar!!!!!! I ate it before I checked!!!

Got sorted and went out for a 45k bike ride - roads OK and course looks like it would be fast but strong winds and heat will put an end to that. BTW they drive on the right in China but it would seem that this is advisory rather than obligatory!!! You have to keep your radar on "code red" let me tell you.

Did a 7.5k brick run afterwards which was kind of cool. Run course looks flat and fast (assuming heat doesn't come into play).

I then touched base with my Canadian Twitter buddy, @brybrarobry aka Bryan Payne. He was jet lagged and out of it so we agreed to meet the following day.

I hoped on the shuttle bus into town for a little adventure and supply run (no more USD10 Snickers thank you). Got the usual, water, fruit, yoghurt etc. Then a little walk around and back on the last bus.

That was about it. Stayed up too late watching TV but will not be doing that again - focused race head now on.
Simon Cross
Sent via BlackBerry from ProMark Strategies

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