Monday, May 17, 2010

Ngae - Goodbye dear friend

On Saturday 15th May 2010 Ngae Koh Hieng left us for hopefully a better place. He will be so dearly missed by just about everyone that ever met him. Always (and I mean ALWAYS) smiling, always optimistic, always positive and always supportive, sometimes cheeky and more often than not loud. He was the type of guy that was usually the centre of attention but only because people were drawn to him and his magnetic personality. You always felt better for an evening, a few words or just a passing greeting on a run with Ngae.

I was shattered when I heard the news and still am. I felt like one of my closest friends had been torn away from me. Then I got to thinking that Ngae was such a warm and welcoming person that probably most people who were acquainted with him had similar feelings of loss. He's not a person that people will simply feel sad about losing and forget easily. His passing will leave a huge gaping hole in the running and triathlon community of Malaysia, he will be deeply missed by hundreds and hundreds of people.

My Mum once said to me that people never really die and leave us so long as someone still remembers them - Ngae is going to live on in our hearts and minds for a long long time.

I hear there will be an impromptu memorial run this Sunday morning at Lake Gardens. Everyone will do their usual run i.e. double hill, Sri Hartamas but there will be a minutes silence at 6:29am and then everyone will do their run in honour of Ngae. I will be doing the Bintan Triathlon (assuming I'm well enough, if not I'll be at Lake Gardens for sure).

I'll be doing the race in honour of Ngae. Disco Dave will be there too - we will have our own minutes silence. I will swim, bike and run with him in my mind & heart but I will not mourn his loss but rather celebrate his life, I will do my best to wear his trademark smile from start to finish. He was an inspiration, an icon, a role model - they don't come any better than Ngae. We love you buddy, you will be missed but not forgotten.

My all time favourite multi-sport photo - they say a picture speaks a thousand words.


  1. Sorry to hear about your friends passing. I love the idea of the memorial run. Great idea.

  2. Anonymous8:53 am

    I was there at the run. I shouted to everyone to observe a minute of silence but they were louder than me.

    Though I do not know Ngae, I still respect those who leave the world for a better place. For those people who didn't make way and clear the path for the Lady Runners, I can understand that you guys are not gentlemen. But at least give respect by observing one minute silence.


  3. Thanks Bryan, yeah the run will be great and I hope it turns into an annual event.

    Hey Simon, I was still rushing to the start line when the women's start took off and when the minutes silence was being held but don't let it upset you, the crowd were mostly not aware of Ngae's passing and probably didn't even hear the announcement. There is going to be a memorial run on Sunday morning starting at 6:30 and a proper 1 minutes silence at 6:29 - I urge you to attend that - it will honour Ngae as he deserves and will greatly help the healing process for the rest of us.

  4. oh so there was a moment of silence on Sunday. There wasn't any speakers at the starting point, so we didn't hear any announcement. I could vaguely hear the MC said the word "silence", and then nothing. This Sunday would be a better choice.

  5. sorry to hear about the loss! honoring the people who make this sport as wonderful as it is is important! we take it for granted, it sounds like people like him made it wonderful for us! God bless him!

  6. Anonymous1:10 am

    If I not run,I will snap pics during this coming sunday memorial run.

    This series Ngae's race pics,just sent to his wife with using Ngae gmail.His wife will check this gmail.

