Monday, July 05, 2010


Sam, Chris, Bryan and Simon all took part in the Marmotte yesterday. It's a stage of the tour d'France that is super hilly (read mountainous), literally thousands of people take part. Here are a few pictures that Sam took.

Having done this climb a few times myself I can tell you it's a beast, how anyone can go up in 37 minutes is a mystery to me. I think I was up in a little under an hour.

Sam looking very happy on one of the ascents.

Bryan, Simon, Chris and Sam - all looking cheerful chappies just before the last ascent of the day Alpe d'Huez.

I am green with envy - lucky buggers.

1 comment:

  1. Just a minor correction, the last photo was taken at the base of the Alpe D'Huez climb i.e. the boys had not yet finished. I opted out of the climb to avoid Carmen waiting yet another two hours for me to finish. Plus I wanted to drive home after the ride to do my long run the next morning as my prep for Roth. Nevertheless, I was happy with my ride being the first in our group to reach the top of the Col du Telegraph and the Col du Galibier, the latter being the toughest climb at 2670m where we were greeted with snow and chilly winds. Lovely!
