Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Josiah Ng wins Gold

(Courtesy of the BBC)

Malaysia's Josiah Ng won the keirin gold after his team-mate Azizulhasni Awang, who crossed the line first, was controversially disqualified.

England's David Daniell was promoted to silver after Awang was thrown out for nudging Simon van Velthooven in a race that is traditionally full of bumps.

Simon says: - Blimey it should have been a Malaysia 1-2. A harsh call by the sounds of it I hope Malaysia appeal. England were in silver but they'll have enough medals and can live with a bronze. I'd love to see Malaysia getting the Gold and Silver.


  1. Cheong9:48 am

    Yup, the foreign media agree, as well.

    Its in The Star: "Foreign Media Laments Azizul’s disqualification"

  2. He did so well to squeeze through a tiny gap at top speed and win by a HUGE margin. But there was a head butt from him.

  3. Cheong12:47 pm

    On a separate topic of the commonwealth games see "Thousands of condoms clog games village drains"

    I wonder who gets Gold in this marathon category?

  4. Hahaha, thanks Cheong, it's nice to know the athletes minds are on the job at hand - yes that's it shagging.

    Sofian, I didn't see the actual race, can't find it on YouTube either - any ideas I'd love to watch it?
