Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get well soon Esmen

A brother triathlete, Esmen was hit by a car last night while training for Powerman. He suffered a fractured collarbone and head injuries (thank goodness he was wearing a helmet).

Having been similarly hit by a vehicle and hospitalized I know firsthand how scary this can be, probably more for the family than the victim. Take care everyone out there, remember there's only one winner between a tonne and a half of speeding metal and 75kg of Lycra, flesh and carbon.

Get well soon Esmen, and don't let this setback put you off doing what you love. Get straight back on the horse so to speak.

Thanks to Juliana Ali for alerting us to this unhappy news but I'm looking forward to hearing the good news of Esmen getting back on the bike and starting his next triathlon.

Esmen is warded at Ward Neuro 4 A2, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Visiting hours :- 12.20pm-2.30pm and 4.30pm-7.30pm. His full name ; Esmenn Mohd Mokhtar


  1. Anonymous2:30 pm

    Hi Simon. a big thank you for extending the news here on your blog. Get well soon Esmenn !

    p.s. : cant imagine those cyclist going around without a helmet.. suicidal much !!

  2. Sorry to hear about Esmenn, happy to hear he's alive. Scary stuff. My best wishes go out to him and his family. Did they catch the guy?


  3. Get well soon Esmen! Scary to think about, but I am glad he is going to be alright.
