Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello, has anyone seen my Mojo

I just received this bit of advice from Terry in Singapore - totally spot on and worth posting in its own post I thought. I particularly liked the opening bit of advice about starting out at the same speed that you intend to finish.

Of course my mind is on racing (even if my body and my mojo are temporarily "Absent Without Leave"), I've never heard (or at least processed) this advice before and I like it - in fact I like it a lot. In a Sprint or a Olympic Distance race I red line it all the way so starting the run and finishing at the same speed is a given. On an Ironman however, especially when you start the run you can feel indestructible but after 15-20k have gone by things are usually very different.

I always struggle to pace the run in an Ironman properly and this piece of advice will hopefully stay with me until I get off the bike and start the run in China - all I need to do now is find my Mojo.

On that particular note Terry's advice continues to be spot on and is similar to other comments of advice and support I've had. So I'd just like to say thanks to everyone. It's all greatly appreciated and I'm taking it all on board.

"Hey Simon,

My famous old coach said to me "Start at the same pace that you will finish".

Initially it never sunk in , but eventually became a phrase that I live my athletic life by , or try to anyway.

Granted, IM does require a solid focus-period of high volume training followed by the event and recovery. Often the recovery phase can be too short as we wish to use this new higher base as a plateau to proceed to new levels of fitness. I learnt that the body rarely works this way unless you are able to incorporate 1 or 2 sleep sessions within the day as pro's do.

I too have gone through a recent stage of a total lack of triathlon interest. I did however run a 21km race 9 days ago that I thoroughly enjoyed. Point being, that we can still "compete" or participate at events but perhaps it is wiser to accurately listen to our bodies.

I believe the body will tell us when it is ready to resume our training. Present feelings of lethargy and disinterest are temporary and not a life-change. It is merely the body advising us that it is still recovering.

Personally I think Kona is overrated although I too wish to return one day.
Rest and train for the fun of it and enjoyment until full motivation returns.

Good luck mate :)


1 comment:

  1. I think this lost mojo is making the rounds. I know exactly how you feel.

