Monday, February 28, 2011

It's not a Trek Speed Concept - Haha

So here's one of my big announcements that I've been toying with over the last few weeks. Rumour control had it that I'd ordered a new Trek Speed Concept but come on guys, how could I do that to Black Beauty? What I actually bought was a Trek Elite 9.9 Hardtail Mountain Bike. GORGEOUS or what?

I've decided to do Xterra Philippines on March 6th and was quite happy to do it again on Shilpa's Trek 1400. It is basically an entry level bike and takes two people to lift it. However, I came second in my age-group and qualified for the worlds in Maui two years ago when I last rode it so I wasn't really fussed about the weight. I've only ever ridden a mountain bike 3 times in my life I didn't think that a heavy bike would make much of a difference.

What I wasn't prepared to do though is take out a loan to be able to pay for the excess baggage charges going to the race. So I asked around for a loan of a friends bike and although a couple of people were kind enough to volunteer I know that if something was going to go wrong and the bike get lost or broken it would a borrowed one.

Not only that but my stable of bikes was severely missing a high end MTB. So, what the hell I thought and made the plunge. Now all I have to do is learn what to do with all the hi-tech stuff on it, learn how to ride it and then justify having sent so much money on it - all of this by this Sunday hahahahahahahahaha!

On the serious front though, I really do have another couple of amazing announcements to make, hopefully I'll be in the right space to make them next week.


  1. Chris W8:31 pm

    Where does the shopping basket go?

  2. WHOA BABY! VERRRRY SEXXY! Great choice indeed! That is one fast bike!

    Congrats on the new toy, I'm jealous!

  3. Hi! I did a google search for "trek speed concept vs cervelo p series" and your blog popped up! I'm deciding on a tri bike- I'll be doing my first Ironman in Madison in September- any suggestions for purchases?


  4. Chris, don't be silly...the basket goes on the front of course.
    John, Thanks, more pressure for me to perform on it now.

  5. TeamF,

    Either way you're going to be very happy - both excellent choices. The P3 is the most popular tri bike and fantastic value for money. It's also a very sexy looking bike - very important haha.

    However, you only have to look at Trek & Cervelo's white papers on the aero specs and the results scream out buy the Speed Concept, followed by a Trek TTX in second place and the P3 and P4 are pretty much the same depending on angle of the wind. The P3 probably has the edge over the P4 even though it's an older design.

    I conclude this because Trek's paper included the aero nmbers of many leading competitors including the P3 and P4 - according to Trek they were in 3rd and 4th place behind the TTX and Speed Concept respectively.

    Cervelo on the other hand did not dispute the numbers and on their own white paper compared to many leading competitors EXCEPT Trek!!! That tells you something I think.

    Also the P4 was only measured to a wind angle of 12.5% by Cervelo when the norm is 15%. Trek on the other hand showed the numbers and what Cervelo were clearly trying to hide is that at the sweet spot of 15% yaw the P4 was slower than their own older P3 (a bit embarrassing I guess).

    I love my TTX but I will be getting a Speed Concept - it's worth between 5 and 10 minutes over the TTX and more over other bikes in an Ironman and that's "free time". I missed out on Kona qualifying last year by 7 minutes - I'll take the free time anyday.

    Also, as I mentioned at the beginning having a sexy bike is important (isn't it? or is that just me? haha), the P3 is sexy, the P4 is something, not sure what but the Speed Concept is the ultimate sexy machine in existance. Of course I am bias and beauty is in the eye of the beholder but hopefully I've given you some useful pointers.

    The beauty of it is that whether you buy a P3, P4, TTX or Speed Concept you can't go wrong, you'll look great and have a faster maching than most people out there.

    Let me know what you decide - I'm very interested.

    BTW if you're interested in what the Trek's White paper had to say, some easy to read graphs and what I had to say about it, this is the link to an earlier post I made

  6. TeamF,

    Either way you're going to be very happy - both excellent choices. The P3 is the most popular tri bike and fantastic value for money. It's also a very sexy looking bike - very important haha.

    However, you only have to look at Trek & Cervelo's white papers on the aero specs and the results scream out buy the Speed Concept, followed by a Trek TTX in second place and the P3 and P4 are pretty much the same depending on angle of the wind. The P3 probably has the edge over the P4 even though it's an older design.

    I conclude this because Trek's paper included the aero nmbers of many leading competitors including the P3 and P4 - according to Trek they were in 3rd and 4th place behind the TTX and Speed Concept respectively.

    Cervelo on the other hand did not dispute the numbers and on their own white paper compared to many leading competitors EXCEPT Trek!!! That tells you something I think.

    Also the P4 was only measured to a wind angle of 12.5% by Cervelo when the norm is 15%. Trek on the other hand showed the numbers and what Cervelo were clearly trying to hide is that at the sweet spot of 15% yaw the P4 was slower than their own older P3 (a bit embarrassing I guess).

    I love my TTX but I will be getting a Speed Concept - it's worth between 5 and 10 minutes over the TTX and more over other bikes in an Ironman and that's "free time". I missed out on Kona qualifying last year by 7 minutes - I'll take the free time anyday.

    Also, as I mentioned at the beginning having a sexy bike is important (isn't it? or is that just me? haha), the P3 is sexy, the P4 is something, not sure what but the Speed Concept is the ultimate sexy machine in existance. Of course I am bias and beauty is in the eye of the beholder but hopefully I've given you some useful pointers.

    The beauty of it is that whether you buy a P3, P4, TTX or Speed Concept you can't go wrong, you'll look great and have a faster maching than most people out there.

    Let me know what you decide - I'm very interested.

    BTW if you're interested in what the Trek's White paper had to say, some easy to read graphs and what I had to say about it, this is the link to an earlier post I made

  7. Well post some trail riding pics already!
    Or did you just get this to ride it on the road you pussy!? lol

    Oh and for the record -

    Real men ride mountain bikes.

    Yes, welcome to the club Simon :)

  8. Hey John,
    Are you freakin nuts? Trail pics, I've been hanging on for dear life. Ridden it twice trying to learn how to keep upright before Xterraon Sunday.

    Totally wiped out today and ate dirt - a total face plant.

    It's a steep learning curve and I've probably left it a bit late but hey, bring it on, I'm ready for a humbling experience.

    Onm the positive side I'm pretty fit now and I've learnt a lot about trrail riding in the last couple of days so we shall see.

  9. I was thinking about you this morning - I'm looking over the scars on my legs and arms and recalling the story behind each one - and then I thought of you just getting your bike lol. I paid my MTB dues when I was younger while I still healed quick. My injury days are in the past, I rarely crash and if I do I know how to land it and not panic.

    Good luck! hah! It's very exciting, just know your limits but dont be a wussy lol :)

  10. Thanks John, It was a hoot, race report to come soon. No scares or cuts to report so clearly I wasn't trying hard enough. haha
