Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A national hero? A world hero me thinks

Azizulhasni Awang had a bit of a crash at the Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester yesterday. He ended up with this "little" splinter in his leg and can you believe it, he got back on the bike and finished the race? He received the Bronze Medal for the race but more importantly the overall crown as Keiran World Champion for the series.

He was front page news yesterday in Malaysia and deservedly so but what an athlete, what a man. Someone for us all to look up to, respect and emulate (His courage I mean, no need to go to these lengths haha).


  1. Not bad, but I would have expected at least a silver. Didn't look THAT bad. haha

  2. He's got a woody!

  3. Anonymous11:36 am

    Hmmm..little different point here,

    His event for this race is call world cup ,4th series.See the link below:


    For world championship,Azizul can't go,will replace by Josiah Ng.


