Thursday, December 15, 2011

Watch this - it could save your life

How strange is this? Yesterday I got the test results of my biopsy on a sore on my chest, it was diagnosed as Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. Not aggressive and not too dangerous if removed. It's coming off next week once the stitches from the biopsy have properly healed.

So the coincidence, I was watching a series of most watched videos on YouTube and this one came up. I don't have a melanoma which is a far more aggressive and deadly kind of skin cancer but it could have easily been that. I've never believed for a second I'd get skin cancer, never been too worried about sunblock or sunburn, I've never checked carefully for moles or sores - needless to say I am now a huge convert and will be religious about these issues and urge you to consider them carefully too. Skin cancer is not selective, it doesn't care who it gets, just make sure it's not you or a loved one.

I implore you to watch this short video from start to finish, I have no doubt it has saved and will save many people's lives, watch and learn.

1 comment:

  1. great video. I've had a basil cell carcinoma cut off my face and a squamous cell carcinoma cut off my arm. Skin cancer is nothing to mess with.
