Thursday, March 15, 2012

Alice Smith Aquathlon - Podium Stars

Pre-race nerves (us not them)
Seb and Sid took part in the Alice Smith Aquathlon on Saturday morning. They'd both been training pretty darn hard for such little fellas. In the last two weeks alone mummy and daddy must have made them do at least 40 transitions. Countless laps of the pool and goodness only knows how many 100metre and 300 metre repeats.

Come race morning they were pretty nervous but nowhere near as much as Shilpa and I, seriously, I've said it before but it's so true, I have NEVER been as nervous for one of my races as I am for Seb and Sid.

They've only just turned 6 so they were allowed to go into the under 6s race as all the kids are in the same year. It was a 25m swim followed for a 400m run.

The gun went off and wham they were away. Rohan (their great friend but arch rival) swam 25m probably faster than I could and was almost twice as fast as everyone else. Seb was 3rd out of the water and Sid 6th.

I sprinted to the field and the first turn of the run to see Seb leading the race (all those transition practises had obviously paid off). Rohan was biting at his heels with Sid already into 4th place (Sid probably had the fastest transition of the day).

I felt it was likely that the sprint for the line would be Rohan and Sid. I screamed to Seb, "Come on buddy, you're in 1st place, focus, focus, you can do this". I was so proud I wanted to cry.

Sid was storming along and in training is faster than Seb but Seb was running like a man possessed and Sid wasn't making much ground on him. At that point I noticed a tiny little fella called Ben running with the smallest stride you've ever scene but he was closing in on Sid.

A man totally focused on his goal.
I sprinted over to the finishing straight and was amazed and totally blown away to see Seb just a few strides behind Rohan but running super strong. Sid had got himself into 3rd place but realised he wasn't going to catch Seb. The wailing and the tears started (sibling rivalry...oh dear).

Worse still Ben was going to catch Sid before the finish so Shilpa started screaming like a Banshee to speed up. This only made him wail more but at the last second she screamed "Look behind, look behind". He didn't stop wailing but he did pick it up just enough to finish equal 3rd with Ben.

Happy boys and happy Mummy and Daddy
WOW, I'm exhausted just remembering in reliving this race. It was so awesome, wonderful, nerve-racking and emotional. We had two boys on the podium, how cool is that?

Sid then won some elastic laces in the lucky draw and Shilpa and I thought what a great result, Seb got second but at least Sid got something he didn't...sadly that was the end of Seb's day because he didn't get any laces and Sid's day was still ruined because Seb beat him. Haha, what do you do with 6 year olds?

On reflection though they both loved the race and can't wait for the next one in a few weeks time.

 The TriTwins dynasty rolls on.

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