Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ironman Melbourne - Asia Pacific Championships

Just a quick note, I've been training pretty hard for this race that takes place this Sunday (25 march 2012). After my little brush with skin cancer at the end of last year and being a bit burnt out I'd let the weight pile on. I've now lost about 10kg (22lbs) since Jan 1 and training has been consistent without any illness. I've had a dodgy hamstring for the last few weeks but nothing I can do about it now, so just hope it holds out on the run.

Steve Lumley has been coaching me since the beginning of the year which has certainly helped with motivation and the science behind what I've been doing is a great help, not just in understanding what I'm doing but it massively contributes to the motivation as I know that what I'm doing is proven, tried and tested.

Sunday is looking like a cool day compared to KL temperatures, with the forecast showing 20C with 14kph winds. This is Melbourne though so it's all subject to change at the last minute (several times).

Yes I am hoping to qualify for Kona and I'm quietly optimistic. However, the quality of the field is going to be phenomenal I have no doubt, I think the only harder place to go and fight for a hallowed Kona spot would be Germany. Either way, I've tried and failed at so called "easier" races so I shall just go and do my best but won't hold my breath come the results. No excuses though, I'm going there with intent!

Targets? Certainly I will be very disappointed if I don't get sub 10 hours. This is an Ironman though and anything can happen (usually to ones detriment). So goal "A" will be 9hr45 (anything below that will be a nice bonus but unlikely). Goal "B" will be sub 10hrs and goal "C" will be to improve my PB which will be sub 10hrs15.

Usually I have a whole host of other goals to make the day a success

whatever else goes wrong. This one I haven't, I don't feel I need them. This is purely a race rather than an "experience", I've done the hard work, if I've done enough then I'll achieve one of the three goals, if I haven't then it's not so much "back to the drawing board" but rather take this fitness and build on it for Challenge Roth in early July.

Wish me luck and see you on the other side! You can see how I'm getting on via my bib number is 990.


  1. Congrats on the weight loss and turnaround since end of last year - good luck this weekend have a great race!The Pro field looks unreal
    race your race bro do your thing!


  2. Thanks Derek,

    I really appreciate it.



  3. Good luck at Melbourne. I will be tracking your progress.

    And congratulation on the weight lost. Now you will be superfast on sunday.

    Are you going to wear your signature scary face jersey too? :)

  4. Thanks Khoo, no scary face on Sunday. It'll be the all black Ninja assassin haha

  5. Anonymous5:25 am

    Good luck from me and gayboy. GO GO FAST FAST.....we'll be keeping all fingers and toes crossed on Sunday..xxxx

  6. I've followed your blog for a couple of years probably but never commented. I enjoy following your progress and the training tips I pick up from doing so. Turns out the parenting tips I've picked up might be of use as well since we are expecting twin boys in a couple months ha ha.

    I always think when people wish me luck before a race "I've put in the work; I don't need luck." but it still can't hurt, especially when racing for a Kona good luck out there. Think like Lightning McQueen....

    "I AM SPEED!"

  7. Race your own race, don't get carried away chasing others and it'll all come together for you!

    We'll be watching you online - Do NOT dissapoint Frances! :)

  8. Thanks Chantz and Chris, flippin freezing though.

  9. Hey Eddie, thanks for the comment and congratulations on your forthcoming twins, twins are the best ever, you're gonna have so much fun, it's goring to be awesome.

    And thanks for the good luck wishes, you're right, no one needs luck for the physical side if they've done the training but so many things can go wrong in an Ironman so luck always plays a part.

    I AM SPEED haha thanks again
