Friday, April 20, 2012

Shilpa's MBA Graduation

Something I was meaning to post, thought I had but clearly not - Shilpa's MBA graduation. She's spent the last 2 and a half years working like a crazy person to complete this monumental task while at the same time being the perfect mother to Sid and Seb.

She graduated with Merit (67% I think). Her dissertation was awesome and she scored 70% in that.

All in all an outstanding achievement, one that we are all extremely proud of. Here are a few pictures of the graduation day: -
Shilpa's Mum and Dad flew down especially for the occasion

A very happy and proud family Cross

Spot the smart cookie in the middle (a clue, it's not me)


  1. Fabulosity at its best!!! Congratulations, again Shilpa. What a beautiful statment from you SImon. Way to g. Miss you guys tons!! xoxo Judi

  2. If she was smart - she wouldn't be with you! lol :)

    So are you going to be a stay at home dad now and send her out to make the big bucks now?
    I see what you're trying to do here - stay home and train more!

  3. Congratulations to Shilpa! Dammit, how does she make wearing a mortar board actually look good? ;)

  4. Congratulations Shilpa. Lovely photos.
