Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chasewater 10k - 20th July 2008

My Sister and Dad did this race on Sunday (also one of Angela's friends from Germany, Simone ran too). They all did brilliantly especially considering the conditions - and don't forget that my Dad is 75! Angela ran with Dad so they finished together.

Well done guys, we're proud of you.

Angela wrote: -

"Hi Simon and Shilpa,

The Chasewater race went really well but with a strong wind. Dad did the 10k in 1:11 which considering the wind and his heel problems this year (causing a reduction in training) was an excellent result! We had great fun and got the finishers T-shirt.

Simone ran too and did a great time of 54 mins!

Lots of love and see you soon!!

Angie, Dad Mum and Simone"

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